Every day stress and tension associated with our jobs, sports injuries, hobbies, and family life can result in increased muscle tension, headaches, and pain in the neck, back and extremities. Massage therapy is an effective tool to reduce muscle tension and spasms, decrease pain, and relieve stress.
Massage has also been found to improve circulation, increases the removal of metabolic waste products (lactic acid) from muscle tissue, and eliminate trigger points. According to Janet G. Travell, MD, the leading expert in trigger points and their referral patterns, a trigger point is "a hyperirritable spot" in skeletal muscle that is associated with a hypersensitive palpable nodule in a taut band.
The spot is tender when pressed and can give rise to characteristic referred pain, motor dysfunction, and autonomic phenomena. See the images below for common trigger points and their referral patterns.
To schedule an appointment for massage therapy, please call our office at (386) 337-3884.